The Rosie Effect

Graeme Simsion

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2015

Kniha: The Rosie Effect - Graeme Simsion
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Séria kníh: Don Tillman
Don Tillman
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Kniha: The Rosie Effect

The hilarious follow-up to The Rosie Project, one of the best novels I've read in ages. There's no sophomore slump here . . . It's a funny novel that also made me think about relationships. A sweet, entertaining, and thought-provoking book (Bill Gates) The Rosie Effect is the charming and hilarious sequel to Graeme Simsion's bestselling debut novel The Rosie Project. Until a year ago, forty-one-year-old geneticist Don Tillman had never had a second date. Until he met Rosie, 'the world's most incompatible woman'. Now, living in New York City, they have survived ten months and ten days of marriage. But though Rosie has taught him the joys of unscheduled sex and spontaneous meal planning, life is still not plain sailing for Don. Not least with the sudden arrival of his best friend Gene, serial philanderer, who takes up residence on their sofa. Then Rosie drops the mother of all bombshells. And soon Don must face her hormonally induced irrational behaviour as he prepares for the biggest challenge of his previously ordered life - at the same time as dodging deportation, prosecution and professional disgrace. Is Don Tillman ready to become the man he always dreamed of being? Or will he revert to his old ways and risk losing Rosie forever? Join Don and Rosie in the next chapter of their weird and wonderful journey in Graeme Simsion's unmissable new novel, The Rosie Effect. Praise for Graeme Simsion: "Warm-hearted and perfectly pitched, with profound themes that are worn lightly, this very enjoyable read promises to put Don Tillman on the comic literary map somewhere between Mr Pooter and Adrian Mole". (Guardian). "Funny, endearing, and pure, wonderful escapism". (Independent). "Don Tillman is one of the most endearing, charming and fascinating literary characters I have met in a long time". (The Times).
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Katalógové číslo
The Rosie Effect
Tvrdá, bez prebalu, lesklá
Graeme Simsion
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
112×181 mm
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Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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