Dream Count. Special Edition

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

GBR Anglicky Harper Collins2025/03 Katalógové číslo: 543583


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Kniha: Dream Count. Special Edition - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Kniha: Dream Count. Special Edition

Chiamaka is a Nigerian travel writer living in America. Alone in the midst of the pandemic, she recalls her past lovers and grapples with her choices and regrets. Zikora, her best friend, is a lawyer who has been successful at everything until — betrayed and brokenhearted — she must turn to the person she thought she needed least. Omelogor, Chiamaka’s bold, outspoken cousin, is a financial powerhouse in Nigeria who begins to question how well she knows herself. And Kadiatou, Chiamaka’s housekeeper, is proudly raising her daughter in America – but faces an unthinkable hardship that threatens all she has worked to achieve.

In Dream Count, Adichie trains her fierce eye on these women in a sparkling, transcendent novel that takes up the very nature of love itself. Is true happiness ever attainable or is it just a fleeting state? And how honest must we be with ourselves in order to love, and to be loved? A trenchant reflection on the choices we make and those made for us, on daughters and mothers, on our interconnected world, Dream Count pulses with emotional urgency and poignant, unflinching observations on the human heart, in language that soars with beauty and power. It confirms Adichie’s status as one of the most exciting and dynamic writers on the literary landscape.

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GBR Anglicky
Dream Count. Special Edition
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Tvrdá, bez prebalu, lesklá
Sadzba DPH
5,00 %
Cena MOC
27,10 €
12,00 %
Reg. číslo FPU
(info len pre knižnice)

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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Predstavujeme: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (*15.9.1977 Enugu, Nigéria) je nigérijská spisovateľka, autorka románov, poviedok a literatúry faktu. V roku 1997 jej vyšla zbierka básní (Decisions) a o rok neskôr hra (For L viac...