A Beginner’s Guide to Breaking and Entering

GBR Anglicky Hutchinson Heinemann

Kniha: A Beginner’s Guide to Breaking and Entering
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Kniha: A Beginner’s Guide to Breaking and Entering

The new Andrew Hunter Murray read is here . . .A Beginner's Guide to Breaking and Entering is a gripping thriller about what it's like to be young, skilled, unemployed - and on the run. 'Madly fun and exciting' Lisa Jewell‘A bloody brilliant, fantastic book. It’s great, witty and pacy.I’m bereft now I’ve finished it’ Philippa Perry'This is a giddy, addictive thrill ride of a book - who knew accidental espionage was so much fun?!' Daisy Buchanan'Smart, satirical, knowledgable, accurate, punchy, laugh out loud funny, surprising, shocking, thought provoking ... Loved it.' Matt Chorley, The Times‘Who knew murder could be so funny. A joyous read from start to finish.I loved it!’ Claire Mackintosh'Witty, dazzling and incredibly addictive' Jenny Colgan'Legit brilliant, FUN and FUNNY and I couldn’t recommend it more' Stevie Martin‘Dark, funny, and deeply twisted' Val McDermid'An excellent pacy caper’ Professor Sophie Ratcliffe'Tremendous fun: a quirky, gripping and insightful novel that kept me reading late into the night.' Elizabeth Macneal__________Property might be theft. But the housing market is murder. My name is Al.I live in wealthy people's second homes while their real owners are away. I don’t rob them, I don’t damage anything… I’m more an unofficial house-sitter than an actual criminal. Life is good.Or it was - until last night, when my friends and I broke into the wrong place, on the wrong day, and someone wound up dead. And now … now we’re in a great deal of trouble. __________Readers love A Beginner's Guide .. . ‘Murder, intrigue and plenty of comedy’‘I really laughed out loud in parts’‘Huge five stars from me’‘What a blast!’‘If you only read one book this year, make it this one’‘Wonderfully wicked humour’‘I kept on laughing all the way through’‘Murder, cyber crime, and a little bit of romance – this book has it all’‘One of my favourite reads of the year so far’‘Refreshingly witty’‘What a wonderfully enjoyable read’‘Will leave you smiling’‘A fabulously written gripping story’

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A Beginner’s Guide to Breaking and Entering
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242 x 165
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