Under Your Spell

Laura Wood

GBR Anglicky Simon & Schuster

Kniha: Under Your Spell - Laura Wood
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Kniha: Under Your Spell

She only wants three things. He isn't one of them... Dumped by her cheating ex, fired from her dream job, about to lose her flat: Clementine Monroe is not having a good day. So when her sisters get her drunk and suggest reviving a childhood ritual called the breakup spell, she doesn’t see the harm in it. But now Clemmie has accidentally ruined a funeral, had her first one-night stand, and she’s stuck with a new job she definitely doesn’t want - spending six weeks alone with the gorgeous and very-off-limits rock star, Theo Eliott.  He’s the most famous man on the planet. Her life’s a disaster. When it comes to love, Clemmie is learning you should be careful what you wish for...Early Readers LOVE Under Your Spell‘I have read a ton of contemporary romantic fiction and this one stands out from the crowd.’‘Fresh and original in the way that Emily Henry and Beth O' Leary books are… but it has something else that makes it different.’‘Wonderful and gorgeous, I cannot recommend it enough.’‘This might just be my perfect book’‘I binged it all in 24 hours’‘It has EVERYTHING I could ask for in a romantic comedy’‘Funny, heartwarming and downright sexy’‘A truly dreamy read that I would recommend to anyone who loves Beth O'Leary, Sarra Manning, Mhairi McFarlane or Emily Henry’‘Pure joy from beginning to end.’

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Katalógové číslo
Under Your Spell
Laura Wood
Druh tovaru
198 x 130
Sadzba DPH

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