Til Death Do Us Bard

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Kniha: Til Death Do Us Bard
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Kniha: Til Death Do Us Bard

'An absolute bear-hug of a book!' SANGU MANDANNA, bestselling author of The Very Secret Society of Irregular WitchesTil Death Do Us Bard is a charming queer cosy fantasy, perfect for fans of Legends and Lattes and Nettle and Bone.This is cosy fantasy at its very best. ****** READER REVIEWMarriage isn't always sunshine and unicorns . .. sometimes it's monsters and necromancy.It's been almost a year since Logan 'The Bear' Theaker hung up his axe and settled down with his sunshiny bard husband, Pie. But when Pie disappears, Logan is forced back into a world he thought he'd left behind.Logan quickly discovers that Pie has been blackmailed into stealing a powerful artifact capable of creating an undead army.With the help of an old adversary and a ghost from his past, Logan sets out to rescue his husband.But the further the quest takes him, the more secrets Logan uncovers. He'll need all his strength to rescue his husband - but can he save their marriage?THEMES AND TROPES! Fluffy D&D campaign, disability rep, grumpy sunshine, adventure, MM romance, found family, grumpy hero, safe and cared for, sharing the same room, skeletal dog, gay romance novel, happily ever after!THIS IS EVERYTHING! ****** READER REVIEWJoyous, uplifting, heart warming ****** READER REVIEWThe romance, the adventure, the cast of characters. Every time I think about this book it puts a smile on my face.****** READER REVIEWThis book felt like a cozy game of D&D with a side of romance and I loved every minute of it! ****** READER REVIEWI highly recommend this to anyone who likes cozy fantasy, D&D and/or Our Flag Means Death! ****** READER REVIEWSometimes you just find a book where you see the cover, find it intriguing, read the synopsis, find that even more intriguing and then you read the book and it's everything you wanted. ****** READER REVIEW

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Katalógové číslo
Til Death Do Us Bard
Druh tovaru
234 x 153
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Sadzba DPH

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