Korea Travel Journal Notebook

GBR Anglicky Tuttle Publishing

Kniha: Korea Travel Journal Notebook
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Kniha: Korea Travel Journal Notebook

Create a memento of your trip to Korea that you'll cherish forever!If you're planning a trip to Korea, this travel journal is a must-have, from the planning stages to the end of your vacation. The book opens with 16 beautiful full-color pages of photos, maps and illustrations in scrapbook style, which not only provide useful information about Korea's top tourist destinations, but will also inspire you in your own scrapbooking and journaling. You can use the 106 blank pages, alternately plain and lined, to record your own memories of your trip in words and pictures.The journal finishes with 4 pages of Korean words and phrases that will come in handy as you explore this fascinating country!pages 1-16: Travel information including subway maps & must-see destinations, such as: Seoul Tower, Gyeonbokgung Palace, Jingwansa Temple, Myeong-dong Underground Shopping Center, and many more!pages 17-123: Alternate plain and lined blank pages for sketching, scrapbooking, notes and journalingpages 124-127: Useful words and phrases in KoreanIncludes an interior back pocket for safekeeping tickets, momentos, and more

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Katalógové číslo
Korea Travel Journal Notebook
Druh tovaru
152 x 229
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Sadzba DPH

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