Endurance: The Extraordinary Life and Times of Emil Zatopek

Rick Broadbent

GBR Anglicky Bloomsbury Publishing

Kniha: Endurance: The Extraordinary Life and Times of Emil Zatopek - 1. vydanie - Rick Broadbent
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Kniha: Endurance: The Extraordinary Life and Times of Emil Zatopek

Shortlisted for the William Hill Sports Book of the Year. In the summer of 1952 Emil Zatopek became the king of the running world with an unprecedented distance treble at the Olympic Games in Helsinki. Together with his wife Dana, who won another gold medal in the javelin, they were the embodiment of sporting romance. Born on the same day, they were champions on the same day too. Yet in 1968 this affable but eccentric Czech solider was betrayed by his Communist paymasters and cast out into wilderness. Hidden from world view, monitored by the secret police and forced to live in a caravan in mining country, he became the invisible hero. Endurance is the first biography to document the remarkable rise, fall and rehabilitation of a man voted the 'greatest runner of all time' by Runner's World. It is also the story of a golden age of sport played out against a backdrop of Cold War politics and paranoia. From the London Olympics of 1948 to Czech concentration camps, this is an uplifting and harrowing story of survival. As Emil rises to global fame, his old coach is locked up and tortured by StB henchmen. Their diverging paths expose the fickleness of popularity and eventually cross again when Zatopek's world is torn asunder. All both men can do is endure. Due to extensive access to those involved, including Dana herself, Broadbent has written a vivid history involving blood and guns and a love that sustained the cruellest twists of fate. From heady nights at White City to the brave resistance during the Prague Spring, this is a book that plants the son of a carpenter at the very centre of a revolution. Whether talking to his rivals on the track or Red Army troops as tanks roll into Prague, Zatopek's humanity shines through and carries all.

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Katalógové číslo
Endurance: The Extraordinary Life and Times of Emi
1. vydanie
Rick Broadbent
Druh tovaru
199×102×22 mm
Sadzba DPH

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