The Preserving Garden

GBR Anglicky Thames and Hudson (Australia) Pty Ltd

Kniha: The Preserving Garden
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Kniha: The Preserving Garden

Grow your garden to fill your pantry with bottled fruit, fermented vegetables and over 40 sorts of preserved and dried home-grown food.The Preserving Garden is a stylishly illustrated guide to creating a garden that will provide food all year round. Featuring over 40 plant profiles with growing notes for starting or improving your garden, you will learn how to make a vegetable patch or small orchard in any space – including where to begin, when to plant and how to care for your garden.The book includes scalable, easy-to-follow recipes and techniques for chutneys, relishes, jams, jellies, marmalades, bottling and drying. Make the most of your home-grown produce throughout the year by pureeing tomatoes for sauces, fermenting your cabbage for sauerkraut, drying your cherries to use in muffins and much more.When you are using fruit or vegetables grown in your own yard or allotment (or simply in pots) you are reducing food miles, waste, plastic use and reclaiming control over what goes into the food you eat – all very contemporary concerns addressed by long-established practices.Offering a joyful reinterpretation of cookery illustration, this book is an inspiring and practical gift for the food enthusiast, whatever their local growing conditions.

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Katalógové číslo
The Preserving Garden
Druh tovaru
197 x 255
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Sadzba DPH

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