The Top Five regrets of the dying

GBR Anglicky Hay House Inc

Kniha: The Top Five regrets of the dying
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Kniha: The Top Five regrets of the dying

'This book had a profound effect on my life.' - Dr Wayne W. Dyer, bestselling author of I Can See Clearly NowBronnie was looking for a 'job with heart'. Through circumstance, she became a carer to the dying.Over the years that she assisted people to the end of their lives, Bronnie continuously heard them expressing the same regrets over and over again. Struck by the common threads between these regrets, she wrote a blog post about them, called 'The Top Five Regrets of the Dying'. In just one year, it had reached 3 million views.Based on Bronnie's original blog post of the same name, the book expands on the experiences that taught her that the regrets of the dying are lessons to be learned, and that by applying these to our own life we can make the right choices for ourselves, right now. Bronnie's inspiring and honest journey will inspire readers to be kinder, more compassionate and more present in their life.

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The Top Five regrets of the dying
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