E.T.: the Extra Terrestrial: The Ultimate Visual History

GBR Anglicky Insight Editions

Kniha: E.T.: the Extra Terrestrial: The Ultimate Visual History
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Kniha: E.T.: the Extra Terrestrial: The Ultimate Visual History

The definitive account of the motion picture phenomenon, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial: The Ultimate Visual History is a must-have for fans of the beloved Steven Spielberg classic.Documenting the complete history of E.T., the book explores Spielberg's initial inspiration for the story, the challenging shoot, and the record-breaking success, as well as the film's endurance, examining the merchandising it inspired and the reasons E.T. holds a permanent place in the hearts of movie fans the world over.E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial: The Ultimate Visual History features exclusive interviews with key members of the creative team, including cast and crew.Filled with visual treasures, the book also includes rare and never-before-seen imagery from the Amblin Entertainment archives, including on-set photography, concept art, and storyboards, plus a wealth of removable insert items, such as annotated script pages, studio memos, preliminary sketches, and more. The perfect tribute to a film that defines movie magic, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial: The Ultimate Visual History is the final word on a modern masterpiece.

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Katalógové číslo
E.T.: the Extra Terrestrial: The Ultimate Visual H
Druh tovaru
244 x 292
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Sadzba DPH

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