
GBR Anglicky DK Eyewitness Travel

Kniha: Budapest
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Kniha: Budapest

Exuding a fin-de-siecle elegance, Budapest is two cities for the price of one. Whether you want to take a dip in mineral-rich thermal baths, step back in time on the cobbled streets of Castle Hill or enjoy ca drink in the city's ruin pubs, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Budapest has to offer. Gazing at each other across the Danube, Buda and Pest, the city's two halves, have their own distinct characters.While Buda is famous for its incredible medieval architecture, Pest is bursting at the seams with historic cafes and vibrant neighbourhoods. Our updated guide brings Budapest to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights, trusted travel advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations which place you inside the city's iconic buildings and neighbourhoods. We've also worked hard to make sure our information is as up-to-date as possible following the COVID-19 outbreak.You'll discover:-our pick of Budapest's must-sees, top experiences and hidden gems-the best spots to eat, drink, shop and stay -detailed maps and walks which make navigating the city easy-easy-to-follow itineraries-expert advice: get ready, get around and stay safe-colour-coded chapters to every part of Budapest, from Castle Hill to Gellert Hill and Taban, Belvaros to Southern Pest -a lightweight format, so you can take it with you wherever you goWant the best of Budapest in your pocket? Try our DK Eyewitness Top 10 Budapest.

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