Legacy: a gripping new novel from global bestselling author

Nora Robertsová

GBR Anglicky Piatkus Books

Kniha: Legacy: a gripping new novel from global bestselling author - Nora Robertsová
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Kniha: Legacy: a gripping new novel from global bestselling author

A powerful new standalone novel from global bestseller Nora Roberts - a story of a mother, a daughter and a traumatic past reawakened'If you're after the perfect pick-me-up, take-me-away-from-the-world read, then she's your woman'The GuardianThe first time Adrian met her father was the day he tried to kill her... Adrian Rizzo didn't have the easiest childhood, to put it mildly, but she's worked hard to put it behind her and to the outside world she is a beautiful young woman with a successful, high-profile career and a wonderful family and friends. When, out of the blue, she receives a death threat in the post, she is shocked but puts it down to someone's jealousy of her success and tries to forget about it.But Adrian doesn't realise that it's more than just spite. Someone is very, very angry about her happy life and will stop at nothing to bring it all crashing down. 'Nora Roberts is, quite simply, a one-woman phenomenon'Heat'I love Nora Roberts'Stephen King

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Katalógové číslo
Legacy: a gripping new novel from global bestselli
Nora Robertsová
Druh tovaru
198 x 126
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Sadzba DPH

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