The Seven Ages of Death

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Kniha: The Seven Ages of Death
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Kniha: The Seven Ages of Death

Pre-order the heart-wrenchingly honest new book about life and death from forensic pathologist and bestselling author of Unnatural Causes, Dr Richard Shepherd. 'This book is about death, but in it I will take readers on a journey through life . ..'In each of his 23,000 post-mortems, Dr Richard Shepherd, our foremost medical detective, has uncovered the secrets not only of how people have died, but also how they lived. From murder to misadventure, from illness to accidental death, from genetic malfunction to suicide, from childhood to old age, he has now gathered 24 of his most challenging and revealing cases, through which he invites us to explore the full spectrum of our existence. As he guides us, with his unique expertise and generosity of spirit, through his sometimes shadowy and disturbing world, he casts much needed light upon how and why we die, at every stage of our lives.And how and why we kill... __________Praise for Dr Richard Shepherd'Gripping, grimly fascinating, and I suspect I'll read it at least twice' Evening Standard'A deeply mesmerising memoir of forensic pathology. Human and fascinating' Nigella Lawson'An absolutely brilliant book.I really recommend it, I don't often say that but it's fascinating' Jeremy Vine, BBC Radio 2'Puts the reader at his elbow as he wields the scalpel' Guardian'Fascinating, gruesome yet engrossing' Richard and Judy, Daily Express'Fascinating, insightful, candid, compassionate' Observer

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Katalógové číslo
The Seven Ages of Death
Druh tovaru
198 x 129
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Sadzba DPH

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