For Your Own Good

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Kniha: For Your Own Good
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Kniha: For Your Own Good

THE GRIPPING NEW PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER FROM THE RICHARD & JUDY BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF MY LOVELY WIFE'Totally the real deal' SARAH PINBOROUGH'Brilliant' DAILY MAIL'Irresistibly dark' T.M. LOGAN'Dark, sly and delicious' J.P. DELANEY'Absolutely terrific' SARAH PEKKANEN_______You want the absolute best for your child, and everyone agrees that's Belmont Academy.At first you were impressed by Mr Crutcher, with his dedication to his students. But something isn't right at that school. It starts with small things .. . A teacher falling sick.Rumours about a former pupil going off the rails. Of course, you never guessed it could end in murder. And now you have no idea who will be next .. . _______'Wonderfully dark and twisty.I raced through it, desperate to know how it would end' B.A. Paris'Dark as night, sinister as hell, clever, twisting and downright fun' Chris WhitakerPraise for Samantha Downing:'Wow! My Lovely Wife is a stunner - full of twists, well-drawn characters, and riveting suspense' Harlan Coben'The next Gone Girl' Marie Claire'The twist at the end of the first chapter made me read through the night' Jane Corry

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Katalógové číslo
For Your Own Good
Druh tovaru
128 x 303
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Sadzba DPH

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