Dark Tides

Kniha: Dark Tides - 1. vydanie - Philippa Gregory
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Kniha: Dark Tides

Number One bestselling author Philippa Gregory's new historical novel tracks the rise of the Tidelands family in London, Venice and New England. Midsummer's Eve, 1670. A wealthy man waits outside a poor London warehouse to meet with Alinor, the woman he failed twenty-one years before.He has everything to offer: money, land, status - and he believes she has the only thing he cannot buy: his son and heir. Meanwhile in New England, Alinor's brother Ned cannot find justice in the New World, as the king's revenge stretches across the Atlantic and turns the pioneers against each other and against the American Indians. Then, a beautiful widow, Livia, arrives from Venice, telling Alinor that her son Rob has drowned and that she needs their help.She enchants the warehouse family with her sensual carefree warmth, and promises of a new profitable trade selling beautiful statues of marble and bronze to fuel the classical craze among the wealthy landowners. But something in Livia's story doesn't add up and the answers lies across the dark tides in Venice... Praise for Tidelands, the first in the Fairmile series: 'A gripping and intelligent portrait of a woman fighting to survive in a hostile world' The Times 'The first in a planned series .. . The author crafts her material with effortless ease.Her grasp of social mores is brilliant, the love story rings true and the research is, as ever, of the highest calibre' Elizabeth Buchan, Daily Mail 'Vivid and beguiling - Philippa Gregory at her best' Woman & Home'A compelling novel that shines a light on the struggles of 17th century women' Daily Mirror'The novel's power lies in Gregory's evocative portrayal of the tidelands and the everyday lives of those who are bound to them' Sunday Express 'Philippa Gregory returns with an English Civil War novel that excels in everything she does best. Historical events are written with breathless immediacy, keeping the reader enthralled even if they know the outcome' Alys Key, The i 'If this novel is the first sign of what's to come then readers are in for a treat' Emma Lee-Potter, Daily Express
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Katalógové číslo
Dark Tides
1. vydanie
Philippa Gregory
Druh tovaru
234 x 153 mm
Sadzba DPH

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