The Alps, High Mountains in Motion


Kniha: The Alps, High Mountains in Motion
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Kniha: The Alps, High Mountains in Motion

Extreme weather conditions, transitioning seasons, daytime and night time, erosion and deposition, melting and freezing, and avalanches: the Alps are a site of constant change, as much as a place of retreat, tranquility and history. A site of yearning through the generations, the highest mountain ranges in Central Europe are forever shifting and creating breathtaking new landscapes, shapes and colours. Photographer Lorenz Andreas Fischer has travelled to the Alps for years, from the highest peaks in the west to the last eastern foothills.This photo book brings together his impressions, showing us the startling beauty of the Alpine mountains. As climate change increasingly disrupts the region's natural cycles and ecosystem, Fischer's photographs remind us just how important it is to protect this unique and beautiful landscape. AUTHOR: Lorenz Andreas Fischer is a freelance photographer with a focus on nature, wildlife, landscape, and the outdoors.Fischer's many awards include Wildlife Photographer of the Year and Best European Nature Photographer. He is a Nikon ambassador and a SBF photographer. SELLING POINTS: A stunning photography book of the Alps at different times of day, seasons and amid climate change Spectacular mountain photography showing the beauty, as well as the fragility, of the highest mountains in Central Europe With informative and inspiring texts by mountain experts and well-known aficionados 200 colour and b/w photographs
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Katalógové číslo
The Alps, High Mountains in Motion
Druh tovaru
287 x 250 mm
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Sadzba DPH

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