The Silent Treatment


Kniha: The Silent Treatment
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Kniha: The Silent Treatment

'A remarkable debut which doesn't go where you expect it to go. I very much look forward to seeing what she writes next.' JOJO MOYES___________________________A lifetime together. Six months of silence.One last chance. Frank hasn't spoken to his wife Maggie for six months. For weeks they have lived under the same roof, slept in the same bed and eaten at the same table - all without words. Maggie has plenty of ideas as to why her husband has gone quiet. But it will take another heartbreaking turn of events before Frank finally starts to unravel the secrets that have silenced him. Is this where their story ends?Or is it where it begins? With characters that will capture your heart, THE SILENT TREATMENT celebrates the phenomenal power of love and the importance of leaving nothing unsaid.___________________________ 'An original and moving debut from a talented new voice.' SANTA MONTEFIORE 'This moving debut unpicks the secret selves of Maggie and Frank to reveal the tragic miscommunications of their broken family. It's a pleasure to read such a stylish and confident new voice' LOUISE CANDLISH, author of Our House 'Heart-breaking secrets tenderly evoked with intelligence and depth.Maggie and Frank are unforgettable characters' RACHEL HORE, author of The Memory Garden 'Such stunning prose, and such insight for a debut author... I was bowled over by Abbie's writing.' CLARE MACKINTOSH 'An unforgettable love story with a mystery that had me captivated until the last, heart-wrenching page. It deserves to be huge' CATHERINE ISAAC, author of You Me Everything 'The premise alone had me, but the book itself is just heartrendingly lovely.It's beautiful, so moving and clever. I truly adored it.' JOSIE SILVER, author of One Day in December 'A tender, heartfelt portrayal of a long marriage with all its secrets. Cleverly structured and beautifully written, this novel celebrates love, hope - and the importance of finding the right words.' LUCY DIAMOND 'In her tremendously moving debut, a novel that pulses with emotional tension, Abbie Greaves masterfully unpicks a history of ordinary lives facing extraordinary challenges. I found it impossible to look away from the relationship at the heart of this novel.' GILLY MACMILLAN, author of The Nanny
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Katalógové číslo
The Silent Treatment
Druh tovaru
216 x 135 mm
Sadzba DPH

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