The Bucket List Places to Find Peace and Quiet


Kniha: The Bucket List Places to Find Peace and Quiet
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Kniha: The Bucket List Places to Find Peace and Quiet

This inspiring guide is full of ideas and inspirations for travel destinations around the world that invite you to renew yourself physically and spiritually - perfect for recent graduates, soon to be retirees, inveterate daydreamers and armchair travellers, and anyone considering taking a much needed sabbatical. When it is time to escape from the hectic, hurly-burly of ordinary life, this is where you can find a thousand delightful quiet and peaceful places that encourage you to relax. Featuring a range of escapes that include everything from momentary getaways in the heart of New York or Paris to longer contemplative visits to places that allow you to screen out the jangle of contemporary life, this is an expertly curated trove of peaceful places.It includes small parks and squares, lovely old churches and spiritual sanctuaries, off-the-beaten-path museums and galleries, hidden courtyards and gardens, tiny local eateries - and even cemeteries. Also included are wilder escapes in unspoiled natural settings that last over a weekend or longer, ideal for those whose idea of peace and quiet involves birdsong and the gentle rustle of leaves. From the magic of watching the sun rise over the desert at the top of Mt.Sinai, to the perfect quiet of an antiquarian book dealer in London or a Buddhist temple in Tokyo, each destination offers the chance for space, a time to think, and provides a moment to savour the world around us in a new light.
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Katalógové číslo
The Bucket List Places to Find Peace and Quiet
Druh tovaru
183 x 234 mm
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Sadzba DPH

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