Imagine John Yoko Collectors Edition

GBR Anglicky Thames & Hudson2018

Kniha: Imagine John Yoko Collectors Edition
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Špeciálne zberateľské vydania

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Kniha: Imagine John Yoko Collectors Edition

A Collector's Edition of Imagine John Yoko - the definitive inside story of the making of the legendary album and all that surrounded it - personally compiled and curated by Yoko Ono and including a hand-numbered and officially stamped giclee print. In 1971, John Lennon & Yoko Ono conceived and recorded the critically acclaimed album Imagine at their Georgian country home, Tittenhurst Park, in Berkshire, England, in the state-of-the-art studio they built in the grounds, and at the Record Plant in New York. The lyrics of the title track were inspired by Yoko Ono's `event scores' in her 1964 book Grapefruit, and she was officially co-credited as writer in June 2017.Imagine John Yoko tells the story of John & Yoko's life, work and relationship during this intensely creative period. It transports readers to home and working environments, showcasing Yoko's closely guarded archive of photos and artefacts, using artfully compiled narrative film stills, and featuring digitally rendered maps, floorplans and panoramas that recreate the interiors in evocative detail. John & Yoko introduce each chapter and song; Yoko also provides invaluable additional commentary and a preface.All the minutiae is examined: the locations, the key players, the music and lyrics, the production techniques and the artworks - including the creative process behind the double-exposure polaroids used on the album cover. With a message as universal and pertinent today as it was when the album was created, this landmark publication is a fitting tribute to John & Yoko and their place in cultural history. This Collector's Edition includes: * An expanded copy of the book Imagine John Yoko bound in real cloth, with 150 additional illustrations, including more artworks from the This Is Not Here exhibition, an additional chapter devoted to the singles from the period, and six almost 1 metre-long gatefolds of panoramas stitched together from rare film outtakes * A numbered and officially stamped giclee print (30.2 x 23.4cm) in a clothbound portfolio case, reproduced on acid-free Olin Regular High White 300gsm woodfree paper, using archival pigment inks * The print, exclusive to this edition, is of an unused photographic proof of the Imagine album artwork by Yoko Ono * This edition is limited to 2,000 copies worldwide, plus 10 copies retained by the artist, inscribed i-x Table of Contents Preface * 1.Tittenhurst * 2. Recording Imagine * 3. Album Artwork * 4.Filming Imagine * 5. This Is Not Here * 6. The Singles * 7.Legacy
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Katalógové číslo
Imagine John Yoko Collectors Edition
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
292 x 365 mm
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Sadzba DPH

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