Eight Million Ways to Die

Kniha: Eight Million Ways to Die - Lawrence Block
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Kniha: Eight Million Ways to Die

In crimeravaged 1980s New York, atroubled excop turned unlicensed detective takes on his most dangerous case,hunting down a serial killerhitman, and ultimately coming facetoface with hisdeadliest enemy, himself, in this graphic novel adaptation of the book byLawrence Block. Matthew Scudderis dying, one bottle at a time. A young prostitute named Kim Dakkinen is dyingtoo, her life measuredout in tricks.She wanted out, had askedfor Scudder's help, but suddenly she wasn't dying anymore, she was justdead. The former cop turned P.I. promised toprotect her, but he failed.Now his atonement is to find her killer. But thesecrets inthe dead hooker's past are dirtier than herliving, and searching for a killer in a city where everyone's a victim is agoodway to make the rolepermanent. Steeped in traditionalpulp, Block's writing has a true gift for capturing the art of conversationbetween his characters.These are the lowlifes of society, for whomBlock occasionally finds redemption, but who are more often among thevilestbeings in human existence. Snyder's artboth encapsulates and elevates theseroughcutgems in a graphic, grainy,andmoody setting that evokes the dark, noirmagazine covers of the period.
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Katalógové číslo
Eight Million Ways to Die
Lawrence Block
Druh tovaru
162 x 237 mm
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Sadzba DPH

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