Sebastian O Mystery Play by Grant Morrison

Grant Morrison

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2017

Kniha: Sebastian O Mystery Play by Grant Morrison - Grant Morrison
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Kniha: Sebastian O Mystery Play by Grant Morrison

Grant Morrison, legendary writer of such cult smashes as THE INVISIBLES, WE3 and DOOM PATROL, collaborates with artists Steve Yeowell and Jon. J. Muth for the brand-new edition of SEBASTIAN O/MYSTERY PLAY BY GRANT MORRISON: THE DELUXE EDITION. With the escapist skills of Houdini and the laser-sharp wit of Wilde, dandy Sebastian O is out for revenge on the members of a shadowy, sordid Gentlemen's Club that had him committed to a mental institution. Hunted by assassins, Sebastian believes he will ultimately triumph using merely his exquisite fashion sense! Sebastian O brilliantly blends farce, wit and searing social commentary to expose the hypocrisy of Victorian class culture. The fully painted psychological thriller THE MYSTERY PLAY illustrates the devastating power of fear and accusations as a small-town community is ripped apart from within. When the actor portraying Satan is accused of brutally murdering the actor playing God in a Renaissance festival, a rural English village teeters on the edge of self-destruction. Looking to save the town from itself, a mysterious detective arrives and begins to piece together the clues of the slaying. But even if the enigmatic stranger can solve the disturbing mystery, the revelation of his true identity and past may still lead to the fiery end of the village. This new hardcover graphic novel collection features SEBASTIAN O #1-3 and MYSTERY PLAY.
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Katalógové číslo
Sebastian O Mystery Play by Grant Morrison
Grant Morrison
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
17.5 x 26.7 cm
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Sadzba DPH

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