A Geek in Thailand

Jody Houton

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2016

Kniha: A Geek in Thailand - Jody Houton
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Kniha: A Geek in Thailand

A Geek in Thailand is a light-hearted but perceptive look at one of the world's most visited countries from the viewpoint of a young foreign resident.More than just a Thai travel guide, it offers a concise but insightful take on Thailand for tourists, expats, would-be expats, and others—anyone, in fact, with an interest in visiting or learning about the Land of Smiles.Packed with short articles accompanied by sidebar stories and interviews and evocative color photographs, the author paints a vivid and revealing picture of a country built on a deep reverence for nation, religion and monarchy, yet with its own distinct, individualistic perspective.Subjects range from the touchstones of Thai culture and history, such as its politics and economy, Buddhism and folklore, to chapters on traditional Thai design and craftsmanship, including its highly acclaimed architecture and fine silk textiles. There are also chapters on the globally popular Thai food and entertainment like kickboxing and cabaret. Chapters on the Thai character and cultural do's and don'ts will allow the reader to go beyond the Thai smile.For visitors to the country, the author includes his top ten things to see and do in the main tourist destinations as well as an account of the main festivals and tips on getting around.A Geek in Thailand contains titbits that on the surface may seem as weird as they are wonderful but are sure to spark the reader's interest.
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Katalógové číslo
A Geek in Thailand
Jody Houton
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
19 x 25.4 cm
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Sadzba DPH

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