PatternPetrol 2018 Diar

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2017

Kniha: PatternPetrol 2018 Diar
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Kniha: PatternPetrol 2018 Diar

Cool Diary PATTERN/Petrol 2018New at teNeues! Refined, clean surface Format: 9 x 14 cm Vertical slots for every day Elastic band closure, ribbon bookmark and pen holder 6 languages (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch)The modern design of this Cool diary makes it a real eye-catcher, with a mixture of simple elegance and modern detail. Matching the light blue pattern on that light ground, the light blue elastic band always ensures the safe closure of the diary. No matter if you let your mind wander or write down ideas of deeper matter, this Cool Diary 2018 will not limit your creativity! With all attention to detail, our Cool Diaries are the perfect way to get organized in 2018! Contrasting interior endpapers complement the attractively coloured cover, and not only does it look good but it has a lot of practical features! A pocket in the back of the diary enables you to safely store business cards and keepsakes, the elastic band closure ensures that everything is kept safe and it also has a handy bookmark meaning you can always easily find your last entry. The diary is a week to view across 2 pages. 6 language Grid (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish & Dutch) displaying Public Holidays and lunar phases. Measures 9 x 14 cm. The team of teNeues wishes you pleasure with this teNeues diary for 2018!
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Katalógové číslo
PatternPetrol 2018 Diar
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
9 x 14 cm
Sadzba DPH

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