
Robert Klanten


Kniha: Outsiders - Robert Klanten
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Kniha: Outsiders

More and more creatives are yearning to travel and have adventures in the great outdoors. The new scene that has emerged out of this development is designing original outdoor products, improving on existing ones, and reflecting on their experiences in new ways. Being outside means breathing clean air, feeling the wind and the sun, the cold and the warmth, and savoring the streams and woods. You pack a thermos, a tent, a knife, a notebook, maybe an axe, get your dog, and you're set to go —by camper van, mountain bike, motorcycle, canoe, or just on plain old foot. A yearning for the great outdoors is increasingly being felt by modern nomads and creative people the world over, from Portland and Berlin to Helsinki, Cape Town, and Tokyo. The Outsiders captures the attitude and ethos of all those seeking peace, balance, and a touch of adventure to offset their daily grind. Among the themes touched upon are mobility, a focus on the important things in life, and the smart and ultra-successful outdoor and lifestyle industry that has crystallized out of today's creative scene. A flurry of new brands and manufacturers are currently establishing a refreshingly modern image of globetrotters and adventurers. The products and projects presented in this book are better, hipper, lighter, sturdier, and altogether more radical than ever before. Combining handicraft with the latest technology, they incorporate illustrations, photography, and graphic art as well as trends in product design and fashion. Here, the fundamental challenges posed by the wilderness meet the aesthetic needs of the design-literate urbanite in ways that are atmospheric and likeable, with the occasional romantic or ironic wink. In a similar vein to our Velo books, The Outsiders captures moods, showcases products and individuals, and presents illustration and graphic design. It also provides insight into how an otherwise familiar subject appears to have lain dormant for years, only now to be revived by spirited people who see the world differently and can expand our horizons. This book features their ideas, products, and creative solutions that enrich and spice up our lives.
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Katalógové číslo
Robert Klanten
Druh tovaru
28.4 x 24.6 cm
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Sadzba DPH

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