Food Trails 1

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2016

Kniha: Food Trails 1
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Kniha: Food Trails 1

Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher For everyone who loves travel and trying the local delicacies, this beautifully illustrated hardback is the must-have handbook to a year's worth of perfect weekends around the world for food lovers. Featured trails include the an homage to Buenos Aires steak, cozy wintertime French Canadian cuisine, Puglia's distinctive dishes, and Parisian patisserie. Each trail is an itinerary, detailing when and where to indulge in the local specialties. There are 52 trails, each with gorgeous photography, a bespoke map, expert writing and practical details of how to get there and where to stay. This is the second in Lonely Planet's Perfect Weekends series, following the critically acclaimed Wine Trails. The 52 itineraries cover the whole globe. In the Americas we try seafood chowder in Maine; creole and cajun food in the Deep South; barbecue in Texas; and Hawaii's island food among other taste sensations. In Europe we discover the mouthwatering cuisines of Crete, Italy, Denmark, England, Spain, Germany, Iceland, Ireland and other countries. Prepare for spice in Asia as we go to India, Vietnam and Malaysia for street food; Japan for sushi and South Korea for barbecue. In Australia and New Zealand, experiences include the farm-to-table scene in Tasmania, Melbourne's melting pot of cuisines and seafood in Auckland. Wherever you are in the world, there will be trip Each itinerary features about a dozen stops, including food markets, must-visit restaurants and shops or opportunities to meet food makers or providers. Each is reviewed by Lonely Planet's authors who have visited the place. Practical details are provided so readers can make bookings and tailor their own trips. A section at the end of each itinerary suggests places to stay and lists events that take place during the year. Great photography adds visual appeal to every itinerary, each of which has an illustrated map, showing the route hungry travellers should take. For foodies looking for inspiration for their next weekend away, and ideas for new cuisines to taste and share, Food Trails will be the source of many happy faces and full stomachs!
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Katalógové číslo
Food Trails 1
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
18.5 x 24 cm
Sadzba DPH

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