City Trails London 1

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2016

Kniha: City Trails  London 1
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Kniha: City Trails London 1

Here's a book about London that's seriously streetwise! Let Marco and Amelia, our Lonely Planet explorers, take you off the tourist trail and guide you on a journey through London that you'll never forget. This book is perfect for anyone who has been to London, plans to go there or is just interested in finding out more about this amazing city! Discover London's best-kept secrets, amazing stories and loads of other cool stuff from the comfort of your own home or while visiting the city! But, you don't have to be a visitor or armchair traveller to enjoy this--Londoners are sure to learn new things about their very own city too! Find out how an old parrot hit the headlines, where you can purchase a tin of panic or some tasty brain jam, what the weirdest item ever left on a bus was and lots more! For readers ages 8 and up. Contents: Special Streets London By Jetpack Tunnel Under London Treasure Hunt Yum Yum London Go Wild Magical Mysteries and Legends London Wheels London Out Loud Scream Streets Tales of Tails Hey! Nosy Parker! Secrets Revealed Let's Do the Show Wear London Right Royal Route Watery London Sporty London Pleased To Meet You Also available: Paris City Trails, New York City Trails. About Lonely Planet Kids: From the world's leading travel publisher comes Lonely Planet Kids, a children's imprint that brings the world to life for young explorers everywhere. With a range of beautiful books for children aged 5-12, we're kickstarting the travel bug and showing kids just how amazing our planet can be. From bright and bold sticker activity books, to beautiful gift titles bursting at the seams with amazing facts, we aim to inspire and delight curious kids, showing them the rich diversity of people, places and cultures that surrounds us. We pledge to share our enthusiasm and love of the world, our sense of humour and continual fascination for what it is that makes the world we live in the diverse and magnificent place it is. It's going to be a big adventure - come explore!
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Katalógové číslo
City Trails London 1
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
20 x 20 cm
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Sadzba DPH

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