Naomi Campbell

Allen Jones; Josh Baker

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2016

Kniha: Naomi Campbell - Allen Jones; Josh Baker
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Špeciálne zberateľské vydania

Špeciálne vydania pre zberateľov, podpísané autorom alebo celebritou, o ktorej je kniha napísaná. Pri týchto tituloch má… Zistiť viac...


Kniha: Naomi Campbell

Supermodel, entrepreneur, activist, provocateur. Since her teenage rise to stardom, Naomi Campbell has dazzled the world with her looks, her strength, and her irrepressible spirit. The first black model to grace the cover of French Vogue and TIME magazine, she has been the face of hundreds of magazine covers, countless editorials and advertising campaigns, and a favorite subject for some of the best photographers of the ’80s, ’90s, and today. This signed, limited, two-volume Collector’s Edition celebrates Campbell’s remarkable career amidst the greatest legends of fashion and photography with jaw-dropping images and exclusive autobiographical text. Volume 1 showcases the very best of Campbell’s portfolio, with photographs from the likes of Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott, Richard Avedon, Anton Corbijn, Patrick Demarchelier, Steven Meisel, Helmut Newton, Herb Ritts, Paolo Roversi, Mario Testino, Ellen von Unwerth, and Bruce Weber, and such unforgettable shoots as Peter Lindbergh’s joyful sequence of Naomi dancing as Josephine Baker on the beach in Deauville for Italian Vogue, or Jean-Paul Goude’s stunning composition of Naomi racing a cheetah for U.S. Harper's Bazaar. Volume 2 features Naomi’s extensive autobiographical text, illustrated by magazine covers, ads, never-before-seen personal snapshots, video stills, and more. Naomi recalls her childhood; the beginning of her modeling career; her work with fashion’s greatest designers, including Azzedine Alaia, John Galliano, Marc Jacobs, Karl Lagerfeld, Gianni Versace; and experiencing the meteoric rise to superstardom. Photographer biographies and an illustrated appendix are also included. In a dazzling meeting of art and fashion, Volume 1 is presented in a multiple artwork by British pop art luminary, Allen Jones. Best known for his controversial fetish furniture, Allen Jones has maintained a uniquely striking visual language ever since the emergence of Pop in the 1950s. In sculpture, painting, and lithography, he merges female figuration with the iconography of city life, consumerism, and spectacle. Jones’ work has been exhibited in solo shows around the world, most recently in a major retrospective at the Royal Academy, London. For the Naomi Campbell Art Edition, Jones’ artwork deploys stylized contours and smooth surfaces to invoke a sense of touch, while exploring the role of the supermodel in contemporary culture. In Jones’s words, “it does not attempt to illustrate Naomi, but to encapsulate her.” Collector’s Edition of 1,000 numbered copies, each signed by Naomi Campbell and presented in a multiple artwork by British pop art luminary, Allen Jones.
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Katalógové číslo
Naomi Campbell
Tvrdá, s prebalom, lesklá
Allen Jones; Josh Baker
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
330×462 mm

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