The Monocle Guide to Drinking and Dining

Kniha: The Monocle Guide to Drinking and Dining
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Kniha: The Monocle Guide to Drinking and Dining

This is a handbook for anybody who enjoys simple, honest food but can do without the foam, fuss and trickery it’s often served with. It’s also about the other elements that make a great meal: honed hosting skills, sourcing the best produce and using the sharpest kitchen kit. Plus, Monocle offer a global hit-list of must-visit restaurants from Adelaide to Zürich and the freshest markets, shops and producers. It is essential reading for anyone who wants to turn their love of food into a livelihood. Expect advice on everything from starting a bar to rolling out a restaurant chain or penning a cookbook. There are also recipes fromMonocle’s favourite restaurants, plus a selection of timetested dishes developed by the team in Monocle’s London kitchen. Food for thought takes the form of zesty essays and dinner-time discussions with admired names from the worlds of architecture, hospitality, art and more. On the menu: — The world’s finest restaurants, cafés and bars — Advice on starting a food firm — My Last Meal – the imagined final feasts of some high-profile personalities — How to host your own intimate dinner party — A batch of recipes from esteemed chefs, plus lip-smacking dishes from Monocle’s own repertoire — Tools of the trade for your kitchen. Monocle was launched by Tyler Brûlé in 2007 as a monthly magazine briefing on global affairs, business, culture, design, and much more. Today, Monocle is a complete, media brand with a suite of travel guides under its belt, a 24-hour radio station, a film-rich website, retail ventures around the globe, and cafés in Tokyo and London. Besides their London HQ they have seven international bureaux in New York, Toronto, Istanbul, Singapore, Tokyo, Zurich, and Hong Kong. At their core is the simple belief that there will always be a place for a print brand that is committed to telling fresh stories and sending photographers on assignments.
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The Monocle Guide to Drinking and Dining
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