Get Gorgeous

Kniha: Get Gorgeous
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Novinka , vychádza (dátum nie je určený)

Kniha: Get Gorgeous

Two fashion industry experts share tips honed over years of turning newly discovered talent into the unforgettable faces we admire on runways and in the fashion press. With humor and verve, the authors lead the reader through twenty-one days of beauty challenges that begin―surprisingly―on the inside. In interviews with their team of style specialists, models, and celebrities, they share proven tools and techniques, showing readers how to transform their look. On day one, the focus is on building self-confidence: recognize your uniqueness and turn it into your beauty asset. Next, it’s time to design a mood board before editing your closet, identifying your color palette, and establishing your signature style. Daily challenges address everything from posture to accessorizing and include tutorials for mastering hair, beauty, and skincare techniques. By the third week, you’ll learn how to ensure you look great in every photo―from selfies to group shots. Nothing’s better than knowing you look and feel sensational; this positive, life-affirming guide offers all the tools. Readers can join headliner stars in the massive social media beauty challenge.
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Get Gorgeous
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