Pallets 3.0. : Remodeled, Reused, Recycled: Architecture + Design

Kniha: Pallets 3.0. : Remodeled, Reused, Recycled: Architecture + Design
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Kniha: Pallets 3.0. : Remodeled, Reused, Recycled: Architecture + Design

Pallets are a universal symbol of the globalized world. The properties of this transport platform standardization, stability, simplicity and internationality are carried over into the work of architects and designers who use pallets as the material for their own creations. This book shows the variety of possibilities that can emerge from the creative interaction with an inconspicuous everyday article. The aspects of their simple design can be expressed by stacking pallets or contradicted in fragile structures. All around the world furniture items and interior design systems are created along with entire buildings based on the predetermined proportions of pallets. Sometimes the mass product is also demolished and only used in parts: for example, when bisected pallets serve as sideboards or individual boards are recycled as facade cladding."
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Pallets 3.0. : Remodeled, Reused, Recycled: Archit
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Pallets 3.0. : Remodeled, Reused, Recycled: Architecture + Design zatiaľ nikto nehodnotil. Podeľte sa s ostatnými o svoj názor! Možno im tak pomôžete pri ich rozhodovaní.