The Divergent and Convergent Thinking Book

Kniha: The Divergent and Convergent Thinking Book
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Kniha: The Divergent and Convergent Thinking Book

Creativity research shows that by dividing your thinking into two, divergent and convergent thinking, you can improve your idea production and as a result produce more ideas, unexpected thoughts and original solutions. You use divergent thinking to generate lots of ideas. You use convergent thinking to help you select the best ideas. The concept of divergent and convergent thinking is so integral to the creative process and innovative thinking it’s known as “the heartbeat of creativity”. It’s the underlying rhythm of creative thinking. The book is an introduction to divergent and convergent thinking. It includes guidelines to enhance your innovative thinking and hands-on exercises to strengthen your creativity. The concept of the book is supported by the books triangular shape, which illustrates divergent and convergent thinking. The top half of the book always communicates divergent thinking. The bottom half communicates convergent thinking. This principle is the same throughout the book.
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The Divergent and Convergent Thinking Book
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