Temting Fate

Kniha: Temting Fate - Jane Green
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Kniha: Temting Fate

Number one bestselling author Jane Green gives a powerful portrayal of a marriage rocked by betrayal in the stunning Tempting Fate. When Gabby first met Elliott she knew he was the man for her. In twenty years of marriage she has never doubted her love for him - even when he refused to give her the one thing she still wants most of all. But now their two daughters are growing up Gabby feels that time and her youth are slipping away. For the first time in her life she is restless. And then she meets Matt...

Intoxicated by the way this young, handsome and successful man makes her feel, Gabby is momentarily blind to what she stands to lose on this dangerous path. And in one reckless moment she destroys all that she holds dear. Consumed by regret, Gabby does everything she can to repair the home she has broken. But are some betrayals too great to forgive? Praise for Jane Green: 'A heartbreaking tale of love and family, truly compelling' Closer 'Compulsively readable. I raced through it' Daily Mail 'Green is women's fiction royalty . . . a compelling family drama' Glamour Jane Green's internationally best-selling novels, including The Other Woman, Jemima J., Babyville, Girl Friday (published as Dune Road in the USA), Life Swap (Swapping Lives), Spellbound (To Have and to Hold), The Beach House, Second Chance, Straight Talking, Mr. Maybe, Bookends, The Love Verb and The Patchwork Marriage (Another Piece of My Heart), The Accidental Husband (Family Pictures) are incredibly moving and extremely relatable. She lives in Connecticut with her husband and their blended family of six children.

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Katalógové číslo
Temting Fate
Tvrdá, s prebalom, lesklá
Jane Green
Druh tovaru
111×181 mm
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Sadzba DPH

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