Oxford English Grammar Course Basic without Answers

Basic without Answers


Kniha: Oxford English Grammar Course Basic without Answers - Basic without Answers
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Kniha: Oxford English Grammar Course Basic without Answers

Basic without Answers

Based on the highly successful Good Grammar Book. Basic helps your students learn and practise the grammar they need to speak and write in English.

  • Short, clear grammar explanations are easy to remember
  • Real examples show how the grammar works in practice
  • Engaging practice activities including Internet exercises, Grammar in a text and Grammar and Vocabulary
  • Colour illustrations and cartoons put grammar in context
  • Exercises organized into two levels of difficulty
  • Pronunciation for grammar CD-ROM helps students hear how grammar sounds
Each section opens with a lively presentation page which introduces the point of grammar.

The grammar explanations are short, concise and easy to remember. We've also used colour to make the explanation clearer. Each grammar point that students learn is followed by an activity so they can practice before moving on to the next explanation.

The grammar topics in the Basic are graded into two levels of difficulty. 'Level 1' covers the basic grammar and 'Level 2', more advanced.

The practice activities are really engaging. 'Internet exercises' encourage students to see how language is used in real life. 'Do-it-Yourself' exercises mean students can use the grammar to talk about themselves.

If you like lots of extra practice there are 'More practice pages' with a revision test at the end of each section.

At the end of Basic your students will be ready to move on to Oxford English Grammar Course Intermediate.

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Oxford English Grammar Course Basic without Answer
Basic without Answers
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