Tripping on Utopia

Benjamin Breen

GBR Anglicky Footnote Press Ltd2024

Kniha: Tripping on Utopia - Benjamin Breen
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Kniha: Tripping on Utopia

'It was not the Baby Boomers who ushered in the first era of widespread drug experimentation. It was their parents.'The generation that survived the second World War emerged with a profoundly ambitious sense of social experimentation. In the '40s and '50s, transformative drugs rapidly entered mainstream culture, where they were not only legal, but openly celebrated.American physician John C. Lilly infamously dosed dolphins (and himself) with LSD in a NASA-funded effort to teach dolphins to talk. A tripping Cary Grant mumbled into a Dictaphone about Hegel as astronaut John Glenn returned to Earth.At the centre of this revolution were the pioneering anthropologists - and star-crossed lovers - Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson. Convinced the world was headed toward certain disaster, Mead and Bateson made it their life's mission to reshape humanity through a new science of consciousness expansion, but soon found themselves at odds with the government bodies who funded their work, whose intentions were less than pure. Mead and Bateson's partnership unlocks an untold chapter in the history of the twentieth century, linking drug researchers with CIA agents, outsider sexologists and the founders of the Information Age.

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Katalógové číslo
Tripping on Utopia
Benjamin Breen
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
240 x 162
U dodávateľa
Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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