Transform! Design and the Future of Energy

Daniel Barber,Carola Hein,Stephan Rammler

GBR Anglicky Vitra Design Museum2024

Kniha: Transform! Design and the Future of Energy - Daniel Barber,Carola Hein,Stephan Rammler
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Kniha: Transform! Design and the Future of Energy

This publication accompanies the exhibition "Transform! Design and the Future of Energy" at the Vitra Design Museum. Energy is the central driving force of our society; Energy is political; Energy is invisible. But all buildings, infrastructure and products with which energy is generated, distributed and used are designed.Design must therefore also play a central role in urgently needed energy transition. This publication accompanying the exhibition “Transform! Designing the Future of Energy" explores the current, radical transformation of the energy sector from a design perspective: from products that harvest renewable energies to the design of solar houses and wind turbines, from intelligent mobility concepts to future visions of self-sufficient cities. It sheds light on the global thirst for energy and asks critical questions: How can design contribute to making greater use of renewable energies and to reducing our energy consumption?

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Katalógové číslo
Transform! Design and the Future of Energy
Daniel Barber,Carola Hein,Stephan Rammler
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
320 x 240
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Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
Sadzba DPH

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