I Promise It Won't Always Hurt Like This

Clare Mackintosh

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Kniha: I Promise It Won't Always Hurt Like This - Clare Mackintosh
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Kniha: I Promise It Won't Always Hurt Like This

Grief is universal, but it's also as unique to each of us as the person we've lost. It can be overwhelming, exhausting, lonely, unreasonable, there when we least expect it and seemingly never-ending. Wherever you are with your grief and whoever you're grieving for, I Promise It Won't Always Hurt Like This is here to support you.To tell you, until you believe it, that things will get easier.When bestselling writer Clare Mackintosh lost her five-week-old son, she searched for help in books. All of them wanted to tell her what she should be feeling and when she should be feeling it, but the truth - as she soon found out - is that there are no neat, labelled stages for grief, or crash grief-diets to relieve us of our pain. What we need when we're grieving is time and understanding.I Promise It Won't Always Hurt Like This is the book she needed then.With 18 short assurances that are full of compassion - drawn from Clare's experiences of losing her son and her father - it's something you can turn to when you can barely concentrate, when you're looking for solace, when you're looking for hope, when you simply need to throw something across the floor, and when you need somebody to assure you, and to keep assuring you: I Promise it Won't Always Hurt Like This.

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Katalógové číslo
I Promise It Won't Always Hurt Like This
Clare Mackintosh
Druh tovaru
211 x 153
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Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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