Queen Charlotte: Before the Bridgertons came the love story that changed the ton...

Julia Quinn

GBR Anglicky Little Brown2024/03

Kniha: Queen Charlotte: Before the Bridgertons came the love story that changed the ton... - 1. vydanie - Julia Quinn
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Kniha: Queen Charlotte: Before the Bridgertons came the love story that changed the ton...

From No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn and television pioneer Shonda Rhimes comes a powerful and romantic novel of Bridgerton's Queen Charlotte and King George III's great love story and how it sparked a societal shift, inspired by the original series Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, created by Shondaland for Netflix.'We are one crown. His weight is mine, and mine is his . . .'In 1761, on a sunny day in September, a King and Queen met for the very first time. They were married within hours. Born a German Princess, Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz was beautiful, headstrong, and fiercely intelligent . . . not precisely the attributes the British Court had been seeking in a spouse for the young King George III. But her fire and independence were exactly what she needed, because George had secrets . . . secrets with the potential to shake the very foundations of the monarchy.Thrust into her new role as a royal, Charlotte must learn to navigate the intricate politics of the court . . . all the while guarding her heart, because she is falling in love with the King, even as he pushes her away. Above all she must learn to rule, and to understand that she has been given the power to remake society. She must fight - for herself, for her husband, and for all her new subjects who look to her for guidance and grace. For she will never be just Charlotte again. She must instead fulfil her destiny . . . as Queen....................Hardback copies will feature a reversible book jacket with a bonus cover on the other side....................Readers have fallen head over heels for Queen Charlotte!'A great story about how love overcomes all. Incredibly touching to read''A beautiful story of not just love, but strength and character. This novel was just as good as the show''To truly understand the series, you have to read this book. It's even better reading it''George and Charlotte will make you laugh, cry, give you hope, and break your heart'

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Katalógové číslo
Queen Charlotte: Before the Bridgertons came the l
1. vydanie
Julia Quinn
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
198 x 126
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Doručenie viac ako 18 dní
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