The Christmas Wish

GBR Anglicky Harper Collins

Kniha: The Christmas Wish
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Kniha: The Christmas Wish

It's the second-chance romance of dreams... If only he could remember it. READERS LOVE LINDSEY KELK: 'Absolutely hilarious, engaging and fun' 'A festive romance with a twist .. . with plenty of funny moments and a whole load of emotion' 'The perfect antidote to these dark evenings, full of warmth, humour, deep insights and feel-good prose' 'If you read one Christmas book this year .. . let it be this one!' 'Everything you want for a Christmas read' 'Warm-hearted, funny and so enjoyable' Newly single lawyer Gwen Baker needs a family Christmas to bury her woes, with festive films, country walks and a mountain of chocolate.Her teenage crush Dev is back in their small village as well - and it turns out he's just as kind, funny and good-looking as she remembers. But then Gwen wakes up to discover it's Christmas all over again. She's trapped in a snowy Groundhog Day.But would repeat meet-cutes with Dev really be so bad for a heart that needs mending? 'Romantic, festive fun and as irresistible as a tub of Quality Street' Red 'With laugh-out-loud moments, it's another classic Kelk novel' Woman and Home Lindsey Kelk has hit the sweet spot with a festive romcom that's Groundhog Day meets The Family Stone' Stylist 'Fun and festive . . a witty, feelgood read' Popsugar 'Heartwarming and funny' Heat 'This brilliant, hilarious read is escapist fun' Fabulous 'With genuine laugh-out-loud moments, it's another Kelk novel that will put a big smile on your face' Woman's Weekly

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Katalógové číslo
The Christmas Wish
Druh tovaru
198 x 129
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