The Noom Mindset

Noom Inc.

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Kniha: The Noom Mindset

Your health has a mind of its own. When it comes to setting and achieving your goals, how you think influences what you do. Whether developing a sustainable relationship with food, jump-starting a new fitness routine to shoot for a certain number on the scale, or tackling a health issue, mindset is key to meeting your goals-but it can also often be the most neglected element in any attempt to change behavior.While you might know what you want to do, the key to success is understanding why you want to do it, and how you make a plan that works for you in the long term. The Noom Mindset, created by the leading digital health company that has helped millions achieve their weight and health goals, deconstructs habits around the core drivers of body weight: what we eat and how much we move. You'll discover how your habits around eating and weight management are impacted by your own self-confidence, stress, habits, lifestyle choices, and the rollercoaster of motivation (yes, it's supposed to go up and down).Best of all, you'll learn skills that can be applied to any behavior you want to change, habit you want to break, or life you want to create. This book is an instruction manual for achieving sustainable lifestyle changes plus many other health-related outcomes, including weight loss. With The Noom Mindset, you'll learn how to:-Cultivate a growth mindset-Master the forging or deconstructing of behavior chains-Overcome thought distortions-Generate meaningful internal motivation for staying focused on your goals-Create changes that stickBased on more than a decade of research and experimentation, Noom has helped millions of users succeed by employing the mindset tactics that this book teaches.Written with an emphasis on self-awareness, goal-setting, and self-experimentation, The Noom Mindset provides powerful tools to help you reach your goals, your way. Praise for the NOOM App:'One of the BEST WEIGHT-LOSS apps out there, all based on the science of behaviour change in order to help you make lasting lifestyle changes - not just provide a quick fix' Shape magazine

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Katalógové číslo
The Noom Mindset
Noom Inc.
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Rok vydania
198 x 129
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Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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