Pretty Boys Are Poisonous : Poems

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Kniha: Pretty Boys Are Poisonous : Poems
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Kniha: Pretty Boys Are Poisonous : Poems

Megan Fox showcases her wicked humor throughout a heartbreaking and dark collection of poetry. Over the course of more than 80 poems, Fox chronicles all the ways in which we fit ourselves into the shape of the ones we love, even if it means losing ourselves in the process.
"These poems were written in an attempt to excise the illness that had taken root in me because of my silence. I've spent my entire life keeping the secrets of men, my body aches from carrying the weight of their sins. My freedom lives in these pages, and I hope that my words can inspire others to take back their happiness and their identity by using their voice to illuminate what's been buried, but not forgotten, in the darkness," says Fox.
Pretty Boys Are Poisonous marks the powerful debut from one of the most well-known women of our time. Turn the page, bite the apple, and sink your teeth into the most deliciously compelling and addictive books you'll read all year.

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Katalógové číslo
Pretty Boys Are Poisonous : Poems
Tvrdá, bez prebalu, lesklá
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
6 x 3
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Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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