Adventures in Time: The First World War

Kniha: Adventures in Time: The First World War - Dominic Sandbrook
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Kniha: Adventures in Time: The First World War

*A Children's Book of the Year 2021 as chosen by The Times and Daily Mail*Take a journey to a vanished world with the ADVENTURES IN TIME series - stories so exciting you won't believe they're all true'The whistles blew, the cheers went up, and thousands of men were scrambling up into the rolling fields of No Man's Land . . .'Travel back in time to the First World War, as historian Dominic Sandbrook takes us from the soaring heights of an aeroplane cockpit to the desperate depths of the enemy trenches.We are plunged first hand into a conflict like no other as, amid the greatest clash of empires ever known, the future of the world hangs in the balance... The Adventures in Time series brings the past alive for twenty-first century children. These stories are every bit as exciting as those of Harry Potter or Matilda Wormwood.The only difference is they actually happened...

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Katalógové číslo
Adventures in Time: The First World War
Dominic Sandbrook
Druh tovaru
198 x 129
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Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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