
Sadiq Khan

GBR Anglicky Hutchinson Heinemann2023

Kniha: Breathe - Sadiq Khan
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Kniha: Breathe

'A warm, optimistic, urgent call for change' Sathnam Sanghera, author of Empireland'Breathe is a breath of fresh air, offering an antidote to cynicism and demonstrating the power of a politics that aims to bring people together in the search for solutions.' Observer'A rousing and thoughtful investigation into the politics of the climate crisis - and the path forward' Independent'Quite the page-turner' Evening StandardTo win the climate war, you first need to win the climate argument. For many years, Sadiq wasn't fully aware of the dangers posed by air pollution, nor its connection with climate change. Then, aged 43, he was unexpectedly diagnosed with adult-onset asthma - brought on by the polluted London air he had been breathing for decades.Scandalised, Sadiq underwent a political transformation that would see him become one of the most prominent global politicians fighting (and winning) elections on green issues. Since becoming Mayor of London in 2016, he has declared a climate emergency, introduced the world's first Ultra-Low Emission Zone, and turned London into the first-ever 'National Park City'. Now, Sadiq draws on his experiences to reveal the seven ways environmental action gets blown off course - and how to get it back on track.Whether by building coalitions across the political spectrum, putting social justice at the heart of green politics, or showing that the climate crisis is a health crisis too, he offers a playbook for anyone - voter, activist or politician - who wants to win the argument on the environment. It will help create a world where we can all breathe again.

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Katalógové číslo
Sadiq Khan
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
145 x 224
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Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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Breathe zatiaľ nikto nehodnotil. Podeľte sa s ostatnými o svoj názor! Možno im tak pomôžete pri ich rozhodovaní.