The Great Plant-Based Con

Jayne Buxton

GBR Anglicky Little, Brown Book Group2023

Kniha: The Great Plant-Based Con - Jayne Buxton
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Kniha: The Great Plant-Based Con

Plant-based is best for health, go vegan to help save the planet, eat less meat... Almost every day we are bombarded with the seemingly incontrovertible message that we must reduce our consumption of meat and dairy - or eliminate them from our diets altogether. But what if the pervasive message that the plant-based diet will improve our health and save the planet is misleading - or even false? What if removing animal foods from our diet is a serious threat to human health, and a red herring in the fight against climate change.In THE GREAT PLANT-BASED CON, Jayne Buxton demonstrates that each of these 'what-ifs' is, in fact, a reality. Drawing on the work of numerous health experts and researchers, she uncovers how the separate efforts of a constellation of individuals, companies and organisations are leading us down a dietary road that will have severe repercussions for our health and wellbeing, and for the future of the planet. THE GREAT PLANT-BASED CON is neither anti-plant nor anti-vegan - it is a call for us to take an honest look at the facts about human diets and their effect on the environment.Shocking and eye-opening, this book outlines everything you need to know to make more informed decisions about the food you choose to eat.

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Katalógové číslo
The Great Plant-Based Con
Jayne Buxton
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
198 x 126 x 22
U dodávateľa
Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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