When The Heavens Went On Sale

Ashlee Vance

GBR Anglicky WH Allen2023

Kniha: When The Heavens Went On Sale - Ashlee Vance
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Ušetríte až 3,21 € z bežnej ceny 19,95
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Kniha: When The Heavens Went On Sale

A momentous look at the private companies driving the revolutionary new space race, from the 3-million copy, New York Times bestselling author of Elon MuskIn 2008, Elon Musk's SpaceX became the first private company to build a low-cost rocket that could reach orbit. Suddenly Silicon Valley, not NASA, was the epicentre of the new Space Age. Start-ups and investors began to realise that the heavens - ungoverned and unregulated - were open for business.When the Heavens Went on Sale tells the remarkable, unfolding story of this frenzied race to control access to outer space.Ashlee Vance follows four pioneering companies - Astra, Firefly, Planet Labs and Rocket Lab - as they attempt to launch thousands of low-cost rockets and satellites into orbit. While the space tourism ambitions of billionaires such as Bezos and Branson make headlines, these under-the-radar companies are striving to monetise Earth's lower orbit; to connect, analyse and monitor everything on Earth.With unprecedented access to private company headquarters, labs and top-secret launch locations - from the US to New Zealand, Ukraine to India - Vance presents a gripping account of private jets, communes, gun-toting bodyguards, drugs, espionage investigations and multimillionaires guzzling booze as their fortunes disappear.This is the most pressing and controversial technology story of our time, a tale of fascinating characters chasing unimaginable stakes. Welcome to the new Wild West above the clouds.

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Katalógové číslo
When The Heavens Went On Sale
Ashlee Vance
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
234 x 153
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Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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