The New Antiquarians

Michael Diaz-Griffith

GBR Anglicky Monacelli Press2023

Kniha: The New Antiquarians - Michael Diaz-Griffith
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Kniha: The New Antiquarians

An inspiring collection of idiosyncratic interiors assembled around eclectic collections of objects with life and history The once rarified and exclusive world of antiques is bursting open thanks to a new generation of collectors. The New Antiquarians captures 17 of the spaces of these young connoisseurs, spirited interiors formed from unorthodox approaches to collecting and living with objects with history. Flouting conventions of good taste and revealing irreverent modes of decorating with antiques that echo the way we consume visual material today, they brazenly blend the historical and the contemporary, embrace anachronism and pastiche, employ serious knowledge with wit, and consider historical objects through the lens of present-day values.The New Antiquarians, featuring residences on both sides of the Atlantic, is an exuberant and accessible entry point into the once staid world of antiques with featured collectors of all stripes, with varied interests and resources. Collectors whose homes are featured include: Jared Austin; Emily Adams Bode Aujla & Aaron Aujla; Pablo Bronstein; Collier Calandruccio; Adam Charlap Hyman; Emily Eerdmans; Jared Frank; Andrew LaMar Hopkins; Kyle Marshall; Sean McNanney & Sinan Tuncay; Avril Nolan & Quy Nguyen; Camille Okhio; Jeremy K. Simien; Abel Sloane & Ruby Woodhouse; Sam Snider; Alex Tieghi-Walker; and Giancarlo Valle & Jane Keltner de Valle.

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Katalógové číslo
The New Antiquarians
Michael Diaz-Griffith
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
241 x 292
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