Fireborn: Twelve and the Frozen Forest

GBR Anglicky Harper Collins

Kniha: Fireborn: Twelve and the Frozen Forest
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Kniha: Fireborn: Twelve and the Frozen Forest

'The perfect balance of high adventure, breathless action and eerie wonder' Jonathan Stroud, author of the Bartimaeus trilogy 'The best kind of children's fantasy story: thrilling and imaginative while packing an emotional punch!' B. B. Alston, author of Amari and the Night Brothers Set in the snowy northern forests of a prehistoric world, Fireborn is the middle-grade debut of the decade.By turns exciting, funny and heart wrenchingly sad, it marks the introduction of an unstoppable new voice in children's storytelling. A FIERCE HEROINE RISES Twelve has spoken the Pledge and now she is a Huntling. She has given up her name to train in the art of fighting monsters, and she won't choose a new one until she has earned it.But when her friend is taken, Twelve sets off on a dangerous journey to rescue her. Teaming up with Dog, the stone Guardian of the Hunting Lodge, Twelve ends up on an epic adventure that will change her life, her name - and her entire world.

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Katalógové číslo
Fireborn: Twelve and the Frozen Forest
Druh tovaru
198 x 129
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