Nothing Ventured

Kniha: Nothing Ventured - Jeffrey Archer
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Kniha: Nothing Ventured

Nothing Ventured is the incredible and thrilling novel by the master storyteller and bestselling author of the Clifton Chronicles and Kane and Abel, Jeffrey Archer.This is not a detective story, this is a story about a detective.William Warwick is eight when he decides to join the police force. Resolute in the face of his prominent QC father's objections, William graduates in Art History from university and immediately enrols as a constable in the Metropolitan Police.Gaining insight from his first mentor, an experienced, world-weary constable, his keen mind quickly takes him into a role in Scotland Yard's Art and Antiques unit and his first case: the recovery of a Rembrandt stolen from the Fitzmolean Museum.It will take skill and tenacity for William to solve the crime, and along the way he will encounter many who will change his life, from Miles Faulkner, a crooked art collector, and his influential lawyer - who bends the law to the point of breaking - to research assistant Beth Rainsford, a woman with secrets who he falls hopelessly in love with . . .William Warwick's destiny is set, the only question is, how far will his ambition take him? Thrilling, absorbing and entertaining, Nothing Ventured heralds the start of a brand new series from master storyteller Jeffrey Archer and introduces a character destined to become one of his most enduring legacies.
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Katalógové číslo
Nothing Ventured
Jeffrey Archer
Druh tovaru
111 x 178 mm
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