Stars and Bars

Kniha: Stars and Bars - William Boyd
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Kniha: Stars and Bars

'One of the comic masterpieces' Daily Telegraph ______________________________________Henderson Dores is an Englishman in New York - and completely out of his depth. He should be concentrating on his job as an art assessor, but his complicated personal life keeps intruding. And that's before we even get to his sense of alienation, of being a fish out of water.For Henderson is a shy man lost in a country of extraverts and weirdos. Subway poets, loony millionaires, Bible-bashers and sharp-suited hoods stalk him wherever he goes. But it is only when he's sent to America's deep South to examine a rare collection of paintings that matters take a life-threatening turn.Still, if it doesn't kill you, they say it can only make you stronger . . .______________________________________'Boyd's humour, timed to a tee, always raps out the truth' Mail on Sunday'Extremely funny. Boyd does not pass up a single comic turn' Sunday Telegraph'Splittlingly shrewd and engaging' Guardian'The wry laughter never stops . .. the shrewdest pages yet from a master of witty manipulation' Observer
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Katalógové číslo
Stars and Bars
William Boyd
Druh tovaru
197 x 130 mm
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Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
Sadzba DPH

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