Deeply Odd

Kniha: Deeply Odd - Dean Koontz
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Kniha: Deeply Odd

The sixth Odd Thomas thriller from the master storyteller. Our reluctant hero is drawn once more into a strange encounter with the lingering dead. Later that morning, when I walked downtown to buy blue jeans and a few pairs of socks, I met a guy who offered to neuter me with a .45 pistol.In a sinister encounter with a rogue truck driver, Odd - who has the gift of seeing the dead and the soon-to-be dead - has a disturbing vision of the slaughter of three innocent children. Across California, into Nevada and back again, Odd embarks on a road chase to prevent the tragedy. But he is to discover that he is not up against a single twisted sociopath but a mysterious network of evil men and women whose resources appear supernatural.Luckily, in this world that Odd finds so beautiful and full of wonders, and deeply odd as well, he meets a collection of like-minded eccentrics who will help him to take the next giant step towards his destiny.
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Katalógové číslo
Deeply Odd
Dean Koontz
Druh tovaru
197 x 131 mm
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Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
Sadzba DPH

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