The Moomins: The World of Moominvalley

Tove Jansson

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2017

Kniha: The Moomins: The World of Moominvalley - Tove Jansson
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Kniha: The Moomins: The World of Moominvalley

A showstopping luxury gift book to cherish for years to come, The Moomins: The World of Moominvalley is the ultimate guide for any Moomin fan, old and new. Step into the magical world of Moominvalley with this beautiful one of a kind book; a fun, fascinating, behind the scenes look at the wonderful world of the Moomins and their creator, Tove Jansson. Filled with illustrated maps and family trees, facts about Moomintroll behaviour and habits, this gorgeous book contains all you could wish to know about the beloved characters from the original Moomin stories and the world in which they live. Find out all about Moomintroll's adventures, Moominmamma's handbag and Moominpappa's diary and discover all the favourite Moomin characters, including Snork Maiden, Snufkin, Sniff and Little My. Get a glimpse behind the studio door of the uniquely talented Tove Jansson. Featuring original Moomin drawings, colour studies and stunning sketches of her iconic characters, as well as family photographs and Tove's childhood drawings. With a luxuriously designed die-cut cover featuring gold foil, this breathtaking hardback is the perfect addition to the collection of any Moomin fan. Written by the winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, Philip Ardagh, with contributions from bestselling children's author, screenwriter and Moomin devotee, Frank Cottrell-Boyce, The Moomins: The World of Moominvalley is a highly illustrated, beautifully designed gift book for all Moomin fans to treasure.
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Katalógové číslo
The Moomins: The World of Moominvalley
Tove Jansson
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
22.3 x 27.7 cm
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